Man-opause myth or reality?
We hear a lot about women going through the menopause but what about men? If the hormone levels in women’s bodies can drop over time then so can those of men. Women tend to start feeling the effects from their 40s to their 50s with a slow gradual decline starting in the mid 30s in some cases. A similar decline starts in men after their 50s. Technically this is known as Andropause. Testosterone is produced in the testes and affects everything from sex drive to mental and physical energy, as well as keeping hold of healthy muscle mass. The trouble with man-opause is that it is not as obvious as menopause! It creeps up gradually with symptoms like low energy, decreased motivation, insomnia or difficulty sleeping, increased body fat, reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness, erectile dysfunction and reduced libido. That’s a lot of symptoms to suffer silently.
The trouble is most men don’t even realize they are suffering and some men don’t even see symptoms. So what can be done about it? For a start you need to get those hormones checked, we can help with that by taking a blood test and seeing where you are at. Secondly, we prescribe a regimen based on all natural testosterone replacement using Biote pellets, we are licensed to do this. The pellets slowly release hormone according to your prescription and begin to level you out. Within a few weeks you will be feeling a LOT better!
The next option we offer for some of those sexual vitality concerns we can give the P-shot which is a plasma injection using the patient’s own blood, spinning out the plasma and injecting into the penile region to enhance appearance and staying power. These solutions are very useful but you must also look at reducing stress and improving your diet to feed your body and hormones in the most natural way! So if you have ever wondered why you work out and do not seem to put on muscle, or you really don’t feel up intimacy, or your hair is thinning, or are baffled by sleepless nights, now you know why!

"Testosterone is produced in the testes and affects everything from sex drive to mental and physical energy, as well as keeping hold of healthy muscle mass."