Love your skin this Valentine’s Day
Who doesn’t dream of having flawless skin? The media and consumer worlds talk a lot about skin especially the kind of skin we should be striving for. Phrases like “baby soft” and “blemish-free” even “youthful glow” are common but what do they actually mean? As we age our skin changes, the environment in which we live affects it, as does our internal body state. We stop having baby soft skin when we pass puberty and hormones cause our sweat glands and pores to secrete oils and sweat.
Blemishes are often connected to hormones and though some people are fortunate enough to have blemish-free skin, most of us get the odd outbreak or even more severely, suffer from acne. But it is not impossible to treat acne and its aftermath with gentler methods such as collagen induction therapy that stimulates new skin cells to emerge or with chemical peels.
So what about a youthful glow? That can be achieved by anyone at any age despite the fact that most people associate it with being young. it is my opinion that youthful glow is more about the state of the skin at a particular age. The skin of 20 year old cannot and should not be compared to that of a 50 year old. They are physiologically different but what they do have in common is how they can be cared for. Skin of any age should be fed well with fresh fruit and vegetables (the source of antioxidants), proteins and good fats (to build collagen and increase elasticity), water (the quickest and easiest way to moisturize and hydrate), skin care products (to add protection and nutrition topically), sunscreen (to prevent the destruction of collagen and elastin by the sun’s rays) to name a few. If nutrition is lacking or needing a top up IV nutritional therapy adds a boost.
For heavy hitting skin care amp it up with plasma, IPL or Morpheus8 RF Microneedling to tackle texture, laxity and tone. At the end of the day comparing skin is pointless, but putting aging skin on hold and getting the skin you love, is worth it.

"As we age our skin changes, the environment in which we live affects it, as does our internal body state."