Fillers aren't just for lips
When you read names such as Juvederm, Sculptra or Restylane it is common to think about lip filler or even nasolabial folds, cheeks and the periorbital (undereye) region. But there are quite a few unusual applications for fillers too.
Here’s my list of the not so common filler applications:
1. Acne scars can cause traumatic depressions in the skin. They look like pock marks or stretched pores, but fillers can be injected into those tiny holes to smooth them out. This takes a skilled hand and minute amounts of filler. Bellafill® has been specifically designed for these scars.
2. Cellulite dimples can be treated with Sculptra in an off-label use because it is made of Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) which helps build collagen and strengthen the skin. This minimizes the depth of the striations and smooths them out.
3. You don’t have to go under the knife to have a nose job! Using artfully placed fillers in the nasal bridge or tip can often achieve the same thing for a fraction of the cost and pain. You can’t make it small or narrower but you can reshape it!
4. Floppy earlobes are a real thing! They can stretch, crease, wrinkle and sag especially if you have a love of heavy dangling earrings.Let’s face it how many of us can resist them for a party or glamorous occasion. Luckily fillers are on hand to plump up the earlobe.
5. Do you suffer from The Temples of Doom? No not the Indiana Jones film, but the sides of your forehead that suddenly become gaunt with age and give a tired hollow appearance. Did you know fillers can soften that area too?
6. If you have saggy elbows or knees then fillers can help you. Sculptra is the star filler here because it stimulates the collagen and helps the skin tighten over time. The aim is to make the skin look less wrinkled around the bits that stick out – the kneecaps and the elbow.
7. Some people love a dimpled chin and others don’t like them at all. If you want to smooth out the chin then fillers are the way to go.They can add fullness and definition to the entire jawline enhancing the natural contour.
8. The hands are one of the parts of the body that give away your age, they get thinner, bonier, more veined and generally wrinkled. Luckily Radiesse® is on hand to do the hard work, it restores volume and smoothness. Feet can also be treated in the same manner.
9. Do the balls of your feet hurt when you wear high heels? What about heels that rub? Okay so how happy will you be to know that fillers placed in pads can let you dance the night away without causing blisters or pain?
10. Some conditions can cause lipoatrophy or death of the fat. Even botched liposuction can leave divots and uneven bumpiness. Fillers can help smooth out the lumps and bumps and help restore body confidence.
Come in and see us at Invigorate Advanced Aesthetics in Centennial,
Colorado to discuss Bellafill or Sculptra.

"Do you suffer from The Temples of Doom? No not the Indiana Jones film, but the sides of your forehead that suddenly become gaunt with age and give a tired hollow appearance. Did you know fillers can soften that area too?"