World Health Day
It’s World Health Day tomorrow so I thought it fitting to investigate how being healthy affects us all. I know there are so many different reports coming out day after day that talk about this. One day it’s a glass of red wine is good for the heart, the next day it’s not. Same with caffeine or chocolate or almost anything else!
So what’s being healthy actually all about? Does it mean jogging a few miles a day or following a strict diet? Is it popping vitamin pills and not using chemicals in your skincare products? Well honestly it could be any or all of these things but the real point here is that you can jog all day long but if you eat badly, it won’t stop you from having a heart attack! Especially if you eat saturated fats and sweet, salty, rich food. The point I’m making is health is general for most of us, but it’s also specific to our lifestyle too. So what works for you might not work for others. There are a few basic rules we all should follow such as be active, eat in moderation, try not to eat processed food and add lots of fresh veg to your meals, drink alcohol in moderation, drink lots of water, don’t smoke and do wear sunscreen.
Whew sounds like a lot of rules doesn’t it? It does, but not really because most of us just do things automatically when we get into a routine and don’t see it as a chore. As long as you try to do these basics anything else on top of that is a bonus. Such as getting into the nitty gritty of nutrition, or skincare or exercise. Being healthy is about doing things you like and not depriving yourself of things you enjoy BUT not being extreme. So having what you want in moderation. This way you don’t develop binge habits that are stressful for the mind and body. You develop a healthy relationship with things and don’t let them become the enemy that controls you!
So to cut a long story short get yourself into balance, physically and mentally and the the emotional wellbeing just follows along. Being healthy is not supposed to be unpleasant, but a series of habits you just get into without worrying about them too much. As an example when you mow the lawn or run the vacuum around the house you hardly stop to think you’re doing a truck load of cardio exercise! It’s a win-win. So ask yourself what does being healthy mean to you? How can you make even the smallest steps towards being in the best health you can?
Come in and see us at Invigorate Advanced Aesthetics in Centennial, Colorado to get dietary or supplements advice.

"Being healthy is about doing things you like and not depriving yourself of things you enjoy BUT not being extreme. So having what you want in moderation. This way you don't develop binge habits that are stressful for the mind and body."