Bee your best!
Bees are not just cute furry, stripey insects that buzz around flowers in the summertime. They are vital to humanity in so many ways. Have you ever thought about the food you eat? Where it comes from and how it is grown? Bees are a big part of making that happen, without pollinators our flowers don’t fertilize, our fruits don’t grow, nor do our flowering vegetables. That’s one of the reasons why we should protect and encourage them, but that’s another blog right there! But what else do bees do for us? For centuries bee products have been used in medicine and beauty. They gave us beeswax, bee propolis and honey.
So in honor of the bee what are the best ‘B’ procedures at our medical spa? We have B for botox or neurotoxins, the best way to reduce and minimize fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Smooth out crow’s feet around the eyes, forehead wrinkles, ’11’ lines between the eyebrows to name a few applications.I don’t bee-lieve in anything but the natural refreshed look and like my neurotoxins to do just that for my patients.
Another one of my favorite ‘B’ procedures is B12 injections and IV nutritional therapy. B12 is a water-soluble B complex vitamin found in foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products. It can help prevent or treat pernicious anemia and B-12 deficiency, it is also great for raising energy and endurance during exercise. It can improve mood, improve weightloss and create healthy skin, nails and hair. The second B is the Biotin shot excellent for promoting healthy skin and hair. It may also have the added side effect of boosting the metabolism and aiding weightloss. So pop in and we can discuss a solution that suits your needs.
The final B we have in large amounts is beauty. Beauty may be our business, but I truly consider all human beings to be beautiful. Understanding beauty usually comes from feeling good about yourself and having confidence. If I can help people feel beautiful everyday, then I have succeeded in my mission!
Come in and see us at Invigorate Advanced Aesthetics in Centennial, Colorado to start IV nutritional therapy or Biotin injections.

"B12 is a water-soluble B complex vitamin found in foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products. It can help prevent or treat pernicious anemia and B-12 deficiency, it is also great for raising energy and endurance during exercise."