Author: adminiaes

Fly that flag!

Fly that flag! It’s Flag Day! The day that honors the national flag and commemorates the date in 1777 when the United States approved the design for its first national

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Take Pride!

Take Pride! LGBTQ Pride Month is dedicated to celebration and commemoration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender pride. It began after the 1969 gay liberation protests known as the Stonewall

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Smoking and the skin

Smoking and the skin It’s World No Tobacco Day today and that gives me the perfect reason to talk about how smoking affects the skin. You don’t need me to tell

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day As you all know Memorial Day is a very special American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May. It honors the men and women who died while

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Bee your best!

Bee your best! Bees are not just cute furry, stripey insects that buzz around flowers in the summertime. They are vital to humanity in so many ways. Have you ever

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What is Brotox?

What is Brotox? Yes, you guessed it. This is the world famous neurotoxin for the boys, the brothers, the bros! And why not? I’m all for everybody learning about and

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