Author: adminiaes

Are you bikini ready?

Are you bikini ready? There’s no other way to say it, but we are officially in bikini season. The summer heat is just starting and even though we’ve had lots

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Feeling independent​

Feeling independent It’s 4th July and that means one thing. Free yourself of your face and body woes! I’m joking but Independence Day shouldn’t really be a day but a

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Compliment yourself today!

Compliment yourself today! Today is National Compliment Your Mirror Day, and it reminds me of something I’ve noticed about people. In my work I have come across so many men

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What a beautiful day!

What a beautiful day! I love researching different subjects for blog posts and part for that is seeing what’s happening in the aesthetics world. Did you know for example that

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National Hydration Day

National Hydration Day It’s National Hydration Day today and that means we’re going to talk about water. We all hear about how good water is for you but most of

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Bare all for summer!

Bare all for summer! The weather’s been crazy here in Colorado, we’ve had more rain in the last few months than we have in years. That might make it seem

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Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day Dads should enjoy great skin too! So that’s why I wanted to write a special post on the subject. As many of you know men’s skin is

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